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Powerful, transformational, and gentle.

Flower Essences

  • I love these essences. They really are the gentle yet powerful nudge to your energy body and spirit. A couple of taps on the palm, a few drops under the tongue, a deep breath of intention, and you're on your way to shifting or enhancing your energy. 

    Do you need a boost of courage? Some help in feeling grounded or connected? Essences can come to your aid. Maybe you are trying to shift your thoughts or habits but need just a little nudge? Transitioning in some way? Want to develop more feminine energy? Open chakras? Just ask and I'll make sure you get the essence you need.

    Currently offering the following essences, matched with Amber's bracelets (see

    Poly Redhead (Ixcanan) -  for root chakra healing, openness, release, joyful and protective feminine energy, trauma release. I made this essence in Belize.

    Flor de Susto - susto is the word for shock. Lovely essence for aiding in trauma situations, shock, gentle relief and release. I made this essence in Belize.

    Jasmine – for crown chakra healing, uplifting, angelic, calming, lifting consciousness upward. I made this essence in Belize.

    Wild Rose – for heart healing, love, compassion, purpose, enthusiasm, developing feminine energy. Essence made in Red Lodge.

    Bitterroot - to increase feelings of renewal, rebirth, to nourish the soul, for strength and perseverance, and for grounding. Essence made in Red Lodge.

    Bleeding heart – for broken heartedness, especially from co-dependence, painful attachments, hip alignment. Essence made in Red Lodge. Essence made in Red Lodge.

    Pasqueflower - for developing courage, strengthening boundaries, remaining opening, facing fear, cross over to the spiritual. Essence made in Red Lodge.

    Shooting Star - wonderful for grounding, centering, and connecting to earth and heavens. Essence made in Red Lodge.

    Fairy slipper – for standing in your power and beauty, manifesting spiritual wisdom and potential, feeling feminine divinity or masculine divinity and balancing for each, developing a sense of adventure, sometimes called Calypso. Essence made in Red Lodge.

    Calendula – for attracting sunny spirits for yourself, warm communication, protection from energetic intrusions, safety, peace, heart centered, grounding. Essence made in Red Lodge.

    Hibiscus - increase joy, love, and passion. Made in Belize.

    Meadow Rue - powerful for aiding shift, changing old belief systems, and creating new life stories. Essence made in Red Lodge.

    Dandelion - for letting go of judgement, developing self love, sweetness/cheeriness, recognizing beauty, and for resiliency. Essence made in Red Lodge.

    Healer's Essence - I designed this special essence in my own time of trial. Containing flower essences of Rose, Bitterroot, Hibiscus, Jasmine, and hints of summer and warmth with Raspberry and Cacao cordial, brandy, and spring water from the Beartooth Mountains – my intention was to open to ancestral connections, to heal with joy, to be renewed, connect to higher self and the divine feminine within. I felt that I was asking a lot so I needed to be led to a powerful blend. Inspired by a dear friend in Ashland, Oregon I’d been meaning to make this essence all summer and finally felt the strong need to do so last month. I love this essence, I hope you will too.

    *Ask me if you need a special blend too.


    Fresh Spring Water from the Beartooth Mountains, Brandy as Preservative, Flower Power.

    All bottles are .5 oz


    *This is a natural product. Please store in a cool, dark place when not in use.

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