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Zoom Class – Learn to Make Salves, Herbal Oils, and Tinctures


In this zoom class, I will teach you about making your own herbal oils, salves, and tinctures. Learn how to keep your salves simple or more complex and how easy it is to vary them for different uses. These three creations can help you stay healthy or bring better health to you and your family. The sky really is the limit with oils, salves, and tinctures.

Feel free to gather ingredients ahead of time and follow along - or just watch so you’ll know where you’re going with it all first. Ingredient list will be given out after registration.

Let’s have an herbalist on every corner!


Two hours, open dates.

$45.00 (if you prefer Venmo like I do, find me there at @Stephanie-Naftal)

Learn to Make Salves, Herbal Oils, & Tinctures

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